Beyond Compliance.
The road to Net Zero.

Carbon Profile is a specialist decarbonisation consultancy serving Manchester. We combine real estate expertise with strategic thinking to guide commercial properties on the road to Net Zero. But our approach goes beyond mere compliance. We explore further to deliver future-ready efficiency. Helping buildings to evolve and leave a positive legacy for owners, occupiers and the planet.

Compliance is compulsory.
Change is a choice.

We work closely with our partners, clients and industry professionals in the Manchester area. Our proactive communication every step of the way ensures seamless end to end solutions for energy and asbestos compliance. We deliver on time, within budget and to the highest standard.

At Carbon Profile we are passionate about what we do. We add value to our clients' organisations. Part of doing that is through providing a dedicated and efficient customer service.

With the rapid change in energy performance regulation, economic, technological and market drivers, our clients are faced with many new challenges and potential pitfalls.

Achieving Net Zero by 2050

We are in a time of unprecedented change and growing concern over the climate emergency. With buildings responsible for 40% of emissions, real estate has a significant role to play. Businesses acting now are the ones to benefit most as they prepare themselves for inevitable legislation; to protect and enhance asset value; and to meet investor, staff and occupier demands.

We provide our clients with support to establish their new positive ambition, to transition to a new zero carbon future.


Sq Ft Assessed in 2023


Tonnes of carbon potentially saved in 2023


Potentially saved from operational energy costs in 2023

The Carbon Profile Suite

Leveraging our industry experience, we can help you optimise your transition to Net Zero.

With Net Zero business plans, EPC programmes, and our unique Strategic Energy Report (SER), Carbon Profile are best placed to help you achieve net zero within budget.

Baseline for achieving Net Zero

Our support isn’t just about achieving compliance today. It’s laying the foundation for future progress.

Exploring and embracing new approaches that can enhance long-term performance and accelerate the journey to Net Zero.

MEES Policy Timeline

The UK Government in conjunction with the Climate Change Committee (Committee for Climate Change - CCC) have developed a policy timeline for decarbonisation of buildings which dictates the pace of change.


A committed team of technical specialists in the energy and environmental field who specialise in commercial property across the UK.


With more than 16 years of successful project delivery in addressing energy and environmental challenges, we have customised our services to meet the needs of our clients.

Case Studies

Take a look at how we’ve supported our clients with their energy performance goals.

Contact us.

01865 865403

Studio H2A, 299 Upper Fourth Street, Milton Keynes MK9 1EH